CoralWatch – Citizen Science on the Reef
Happy New Year to you all
Despite an unknowing start to 2022 and not a long break between virtual work drinks, we are making an effort to get away from the computer and get closer to nature.
This January, Katherine and Caroline were invited to participate In the CoralWatch citizen science program (with The University of Queensland) The Universtiy of Queensland) based on Heron Island Qld, to increase understanding of coral reefs, coral bleaching and climate change.
Whilst Caroline has had to postpone her trip, now stationed further south on the East Coast managing shark programs and holding the Belloo fort, Katherine is snorkelling away with fantastic ocean wildlife on the Great Barrier Reef in order to learn more about coral health and to bring a new collaborative work to story life.
Huge thanks for kicking us off with a new work, Kristen Maloney and the opportunity for deep learning, Justin Marshall.
Despite what industry we work in, let’s have more eyes and hearts on nature